
A aventura Comença

BEM-VINDO(A) AO PROGRAMA PIONEIRO! Como novo(a) recruta da Kindred Aerospacial, a 4ª melhor empresa de exploração espacial interestelar, seu trabalho é descobrir se o planeta ARY-26 é adequado para humanos. Talvez você tenha poucos equipamentos e experiência, mas boa sorte!

Sua missão inclui:

• Jogar com um amigo: jogue sozinho(a) ou online com um amigo. Se tiver um.

• Explorar e catalogar a flora e a fauna. De pássaros esféricos estranhos e plantas alucinógenas a “”orifícios alienígenas putrefatos””. Tente não morrer.

• Dinheiro não é problema*: você ganha ferramentas legais de graça, como uma pistola de laser, propulsor e uma “”sonda””, mas se precisar de algo, terá uma impressora 3D novinha que pode transformar lixo espacial em itens legais.

• Está sozinho(a)? Mistérios extras! Conclua a exploração do planeta para descobrir. Você saberá que está no fim ao ouvir as palavras “”água de pepino fedida”” e descobrir o “”buraco putrefato””.

Hora da aventura!

* Quase sempre.

Martin Tweed


Explore AR-Y 26

Faz clique para escanear o Planeta

Explore AR-Y 26

Faz clique para escanear o Planeta

Um lagarto gigante do tamanho de uma furgoneta quer matar-te.
Homens e Mulheres do espaço, são astronautas da 4ª melhor companhia de exploração interestelar.
Puffer Bird
Um pequeno Pufflebird enrugado que se adaptou bem para viver em climas temperados.

Junta-te ao programa pioneiro

¡Kindred Aerospace necessita de ti!

(e terás acesso também a coisas interessantes)




Employee Of The Month Edition

Jason Ryan janeiro 24, 2023

Greetings, Pioneers! We are very excited to announce the Journey to the Savage Planet Employee of the Month Edition is coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox X/S on February 14th!


Steam and GOG Launch Today!

Jason Ryan janeiro 28, 2021

Today is the day that Journey to the Savage Planet arrives on both Steam and GOG!


Steam launch January 28!

Jason Ryan janeiro 22, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Journey to the Savage planet and the Hot Garbage DLC are coming to the Steam Store on January 28th, 2021! 


Hot Garbage DLC Switch Launch

Jason Ryan agosto 11, 2020

Hello, Explorer! We’d like to thank you for being an exemplary member of the Pioneer Program! In recognition of all your hard work, Kindred has decided to send you on a little trip to the fabulous beach planet of DL-C1! Consider this a “working vacation” since a) you’ll be working and b) the hours will… Ver artigo


Nintendo Switch Launch

Jason Ryan maio 21, 2020

We are excited to announce that Journey to the Savage Planet is available TODAY on the Nintendo Switch eShop in Europe and the Americas and Russia on the 28th.  For those of you who like to own physical cartridges for your switch, the game will land in retail stores in Europe on June 25th and… Ver artigo


Hot Garbage DLC!

Jason Ryan abril 15, 2020

Hello, Explorer! We’d like to thank you for being an exemplary member of the Pioneer Program! In recognition of all your hard work, Kindred has decided to send you on a little trip to the fabulous beach planet of DL-C1! Consider this a “working vacation” since a) you’ll be working and b) the hours will… Ver artigo


Game Update – Old Game Minus

Jason Ryan fevereiro 27, 2020

Unlimited lives got you down? Is the knowledge that you’ll just be reprinted taking the challenge out of exploration? Good news! We’ve got a game mode to fix that. We’ve also added more filters and poses to Photo Mode so you can make the most of your trip. Here’s what’s new for PC, PS4 and… Ver artigo


Old Game Minus is Coming Soon!

Jason Ryan fevereiro 21, 2020

Some of you Explorers truly are gluttons for punishment! I mean, really. It’s not enough that we sent you across the universe in a shoddily-made, poorly-maintained, rusted out husk of a ship and provided you with none of the equipment you’d need for your mission or even THE FUEL TO GO HOME? Man of you… Ver artigo


Photo Mode Updates Are Coming!

Jason Ryan fevereiro 14, 2020

Good news, intrepid Explorer!  Kindred HQ has been absolutely blown away by your hard work and progress charting the stars and probing the unexplored corners of our infinite universe. Since Kindred studies have repeatedly shown that explorers with a creative outlet are 20% less likely to succumb to Space Madness, we have decided to reward… Ver artigo


Game Update (PC) – Direct X 12 Support

Jason Ryan fevereiro 11, 2020

Greetings, explorer!  Today we’re deploying a helpful update that will add experimental Direct X 12 support for our PC player base. Depending on your hardware, use of Direct X 12 mode could result in a performance boost somewhere in the ballpark of 20 to 50%. Don’t say Kindred never does anything nice for you! Please… Ver artigo